Frequently Asked Questions

What is an orthodontist?
An orthodontist is a specialist dentist who has pursued several years of full time education in a University setting to study the growth and development of the teeth, the bite and jaws. This is in addition to five years of training as a general dentist. They have had to achieve excellent academic results throughout their dental education and pass a rigorous series of exams and clinical requirements to qualify as specialists. They are specialised in diagnosing, preventing and treating problems of the alignments of the teeth and jaws.
Do I need a referral?

No, you do not need a referral to see a specialist orthodontist. Ensure you are seeing a specialist for any orthodontic treatment by checking the Orthodontics Australia website. You should however have healthy teeth and gums and be having regular dental checkups, as dental health is very important to the success of your orthodontic treatment. 

Where necessary we will coordinate with your dentist or other dental or medical specialists to facilitate the most optimal results during your care.

At what age should we see an orthodontist?

The Australian Society of Orthodontists recommends every child get an orthodontic consultation by the time they are 8 years of age. We take a holistic approach to orthodontic treatment and we will not only look at your child’s teeth but also check their jaws are growing favourably. This is to avoid problems associated with crowding, crossbites and impacted (stuck) teeth before they happen. Most of the time no treatment is required but your orthodontist will continue to monitor and review for healthy development. When treatment is necessary early treatment can often avoid more complicated later treatment such as extractions or jaw surgery.

When does my child need early orthodontic treatment?
Early treatment helps to make room for the adult teeth and lessening the chance of adult tooth extractions later on. It aims to prevent damage and detrimental changes in the longer term. Common problems include early loss of baby teeth, difficulty chewing or biting, mouth breathing, thumb sucking, speech problems, protruding (buck) upper teeth, shifting of the jaws during biting or very crooked teeth at an early age.
Will I need to have teeth removed?

Orthodontists are specifically trained to look at the face first and create or maintain pleasing lips and facial profiles. Where possible we try to avoid extractions however in a a small percentage of patients with severe crowding then extractions will always be needed to allow for successful orthodontic treatment. Another example is patients with severely buck teeth extractions are necessary to bring the teeth into alignment with the face.

Do braces or clear aligners affect speech?

Most patients do not notice a significant difference in their speech when they have orthodontic treatment. However, it can take a short period of time to get used to the feeling of having metal braces or clear aligners in your mouth.

Are braces uncomfortable to wear?

The process of putting braces on is comfortable. Your teeth and gums can feel sensitive as the teeth begin to move during the first day or two of wearing braces. The sensitivity will settle after a couple of days.

How long does treatment take?

Treatment times vary between patients depending on the overall plan. On average, the treatment period can be anything between 6 and 24 months for braces and clear aligners.

How often do I need to attend appointments?

We combine clinic check ups with virtual monitoring app to provide ongoing and high quality care. This also means you only attend appointments when needed so there is less disruption to work or school. On average, we recommend you attend our practice approximately every 8 weeks for braces or every 12 weeks for Invisalign clear aligners.

How much will treatment cost?
Every patient is different, and as treatment is individually tailored, and the cost can vary from one treatment to the next. The best way to be sure of specific costs is to arrange a specialist consultation. Our initial consult fee can be claimed with your health fund. All treatment costs are inclusive of treatment planning, appointments and retainers. We do offer payment plans that can spread costs out monthly and make orthodontics more affordable. Additionally, upfront payment of the entire treatment will incur a courtesy discount. If you are a member of a Health Fund you may be eligible for some orthodontic rebates. This varies depending on your provider and level of cover however may be up to $2500 over the course of treatment. There may be waiting times before being eligible for these rebates with the funds.
Can we make a payment plan?

Yes of course! We have a number of convenient payment interest-free payment options that allow you to spread the treatment out over 12 to 24 months.  A 5% Discount is available for upfront payments (paid in full) and a 5% discount for immediate family members.

Finance Options – DentiCare

I have another question
Please contact us directly via the contact us page and we will get back to you as quickly as possible!

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