Aligners and Braces

Clear Aligners

Invisalign® and clear aligners have revolutionised orthodontics and are now available for a wide variety of treatments in adults and children. They are very thin, almost invisible, removable retainers that are changed weekly in consultation with your orthodontist. Your teeth with straighten little by little until they get to their final positions. Invisalign is made with advanced 3D computing technology that can visualise and simulate your treatment and final smile.

It is easy to continue brushing and flossing as the aligners are removable. You can take them out for eating and for very important social events. They are comfortable with no metal or pointy bits during treatment. Most of your friends and family will not even be able to tell you are wearing aligners. Treatment time vary depending on the case but normally range from 9 to 18 months.

We are a certified Invisalign provider and have received specialist training in advanced use of these aligners. Please arrange specialist consultation with us to see if Invisalign is right for you.

Metal Braces

These are the most common conventional braces we all grew up with. They are very strong, versatile and very efficient across a range of different treatment situations. They are fixed to your teeth and tightened every 6 to 8 weeks by your Orthodontist. They can be applied with various colours (modules) of your choice.

Clear Braces

Ceramic (clear) braces are an aesthetic alternative to metal braces. They are very versatile and are popular among children and adults. Many patients choose to have a combination of clear braces at the front and on the top and metal on the bottom where they are less obvious.

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